PART 6 - The Delicate Balance of In-Between" by Jimmy, June 2, 2001 Rathenn gracefully took his seat, but only after Delenn made herself comfortable first. Her dismissal from The Council saddened him since he knew it was spurred on by fear and paranoia. He had witnessed Delenn at her worst and at her best, so he knew she was tempered in spirit, passionate in her heart as well as determined in will, a rare combination for a Minbari, and rarer for a member of The Grey Council. Her metamorphosis had taken him by surprise when he first saw her, but he had known Delenn long enough to realize her soul had not changed along with her looks. And she was such a lovely creature. Her beauty could never be denied, even now with the strange human hair cascading underneath her headbone. "Satai Rathenn ..." "No more formalities, Delenn. I can take only so much before my patience grows short. Call me Rathenn like always. Think of it as a kindness to me." Delenn smiled, "Thank you old friend. I would have had difficult time remembering to address you as Satai for I have known you too long as Rathenn." "That gladdens my heart, Delenn. It does me good to know that you still consider me a friend, even though I was unable to defend you in your time of need." "We do what we must. And that is in the past, what matters now is the future. Are you here for specific business or just to torment Captain Sheridan with that war cruiser of yours?" Delenn's compatriot broke into an uncharacteristic smile at her perceptive remark. "I will confess I did like the look on his face when I met him. He has more control than others give him credit for. Delenn, can I assume Hedronn has made his presence known to you?" "In his usual manner." Rathenn's face was a study of restrained sarcasm. "I can imagine. I'm surprised he's not here right now, demanding to know the reason of my visit. He was always short-tempered, and it's getting worse with age." "I will keep praying it will improve rather than devolve as he grows into a venerable elder." "Then you'll be doing nothing else for the rest of your life but praying for his enlightenment." "It seems he has taken control of our conversation even without being present." Delenn said; her voice touched with humor. "However, something tells me you're not on Babylon 5 to speak with him, Rathenn." "No, mercifully not. I am here to see Callimer." Delenn gasped sharply. "You have not heard?" "Oh, don't tell me that fool rejected my advice and already spoke to Neroon." Rathenn said despairingly. "I told him to wait until I was here with Jerina!" "Rathenn, Callimer's been murdered." Her friend suddenly became silent, but the widening of his eyes told her the news was a genuine surprise. "Rathenn, what was he not supposed to tell?" "Murdered? Are you sure?" "Yes, Rathenn, please, tell me what is happening in Minbar." "Have they caught the person responsible for such a foul deed?" "No, but they are hunting for them, even now." "They? There is more than one?" "Yes, we are sure of it. It seems a great conspiracy has been created in order to ensure Callimer's death." Rathenn sighed deeply, "Delenn, I must confess, I was worried something like this would come to pass." "What was happening between Callimer and Neroon?" "You know of the problems between the Sun Hunters and the Star Riders?" "Yes, Hedronn has informed me." "Then let me give you the unedited version, Delenn. It's much worse than you are probably led to believe. Their animosity has spilled over to all the Castes, and the tension is mounting quickly at Yedor. I am sure Hedronn has said the Sun Hunters are ambitious lot and squarely placed the blame on them, but there is a deeper plot at hand." "I figured as much. To challenge Neroon seems very foolhardy unless something great was at stake." "That something is Jerina, daughter of Shykan, leader of the Sun Hunters. Do you know her?" Delenn shook her head, "I know of her, but I have never met her personally." "She has come of age, and her father has given her permission to seek a mate. In spite of claiming Shykan as her sire, she is a great beauty and a tremendous warrior. When it was made known she was looking for a husband, the Warrior Caste went into frenzy hitherto never seen before. The competition was fierce, and one of the names bandied about as a potential suitor was Neroon's." Delenn thoughtfully said, "That makes sense. He's been one of the most sought-after males in the Warrior Caste. I am personally surprised he has not found a mate years ago." "He's a political creature, Delenn, and ambitious beyond measure. He knows as long as he remains unmarried, there is a chance he could ally himself with a powerful clan." "Like the Sun Hunters." Delenn said out loud. "But where is the problem? If the two clans align themselves with each other through marriage, they will be virtually unstoppable." "The problem is Jerina. She has fallen hopelessly in love with another." "Callimer?" Delenn asked in dismay. "Yes, and they have been in love since he became her father's aide." "Has Neroon made an official declaration of intent?" "Yes, right after he took your place at The Grey Council. As you can imagine, Shykan thought it would be the greatest honor for his daughter and his clan if Jerina chose Neroon as mate. Jerina, on the other hand, had other plans. She had agreed to meet with Neroon out of sheer deference to her father, but the first meeting did not go well at all. In her defense, I must say Neroon's courting skills lack much finesse. She told me, and the story has been confirmed by others present in this fiasco, Neroon mispronounced her name throughout the meeting. Needless to say, this irritated her beyond measure." Rathenn took a deep breath, "In Neroon's defense, she had already become used to Callimer and he is half-Religious. So he knew how to speak eloquently while pleasing his listener to no end. Neroon acted like she should be grateful that he bestowed his attentions on her ... while Callimer, well, that one treated her like she was the center of his universe, which she was. So, for Jerina, the choice was brutally clear." "Is she the reason why there is such hostility between the Sun Hunters and the Star Riders?" "She initiated it. Every slight, no matter how innocuous, was reported to her father. Neroon did this, he did that, he treated me badly; he ignored me altogether and paid inappropriate attention to other females. He told me he would have to teach me harsh lessons once we were wed because you spoiled me ... you can imagine what tales she filled her father's head with. And, in spite of Shykan's outwardly behavior, he loves his daughter very much. He has openly declared her his greatest legacy, and to have her treated with carelessness, no matter how small, was intolerable for the old warrior. So, it wasn't long before Shykan and his clan rejected Neroon's suit, and did so without a word of explanation. Neroon did not take this well and things escalated from there." "So Callimer agreed to Hedronn's plan to meet with Neroon because he wanted Neroon to know the truth?" "Yes, I don't think Hedronn knew why, just that Callimer agreed to it was more than enough to make the necessary arrangements." "Where is Jerina?" "On my ship. When she found out Callimer was planning to meet with Neroon, she wanted to come and join the fray. She was worried Neroon would make Callimer pay for her folly." "Rathenn, why are you involved in all this?" "I was Callimer's confidant. I knew his mother, she trained with me in Temple, and we kept in touch even after her marriage into the Warrior Caste. After her death, he came to me for advice in secret, and I never turned him away. He was a fine specimen, Delenn. He had inherited his mother's tremendous heart and his father's merciless courage. Shykan was very proud to have Callimer, even though he was half-Caste, and valued him greatly. When he hears of the murder there will be much bloodshed." "More than you know. Neroon's under suspicion even though it has not been said out loud." "I feared as much. Is there any evidence against him?" "The humans have not discovered the reason for his presence on Babylon 5, but Mr. Garibaldi is capable of unearthing anything and everything given his tenacity. They also have everyone looking for Callimer's killer. It'll only be a matter of time, Rathenn, before their attention turns to Neroon and the Star Riders." "Unless Jerina gets to Neroon first. She is a fearless warrior, Delenn. If she even suspects Neroon was responsible for Callimer's death, she'll invoke Denn'Sha." "She cannot do such a thing! Neroon is Satai!" "How long do you think that will last if it's proven he was involved in Callimer's death? Even the suspicion might be enough for The Grey Council to banish him. And once that happens, he will become vulnerable, mortally so." "Can she kill him?" "I would like to say no, but I have seen her fight. I think so, yes. And remember, she will be in a mindless rage because of Callimer. In spite of her youth, she loved him terribly. There never was another for Jerina, and now, there never will be." "Rathenn, what will happen if she loses?" Delenn asked half in fear of the answer, half in worry for the young Minbari female. "I suspect," he whispered sadly. "If she dies, Shykan and the rest of the Sun Hunters will do everything and anything possible to destroy Neroon and his clan, even if it means their annihilation. And the Star Riders will do the same for Neroon, which leaves the Warrior Caste halved, bloodied and decimated. Perhaps beyond redemption or restoration." "And that will leave Minbar and all our colonies in a tremendously weakened position." Delenn said. "We will be made vulnerable to everything that wants to prey on us, including the Centauri. The other worlds have stayed away from us for two reasons, Delenn. One is our superior technology, which gives us our invincibility. The other is the fear of our invincibility. If either becomes compromised, we will pay dearly for it." "But that isn't all that worries you, is it?" "No, my other concern is the Wind Swords. Without the other clans, they might come to dominate the entire Warrior Caste. You know as well as I the Star Riders and the Sun Hunters, in spite of their recent behavior, are moderate compared to those militant fanatics. Should they rise to power, there will be nothing to stop them from doing whatever they wish. Remember, they gave sanctuary to that monster, Jha'dur, simply because she gave them weapons that finally suited their needs." Delenn rose to make tea. Rathenn's revelations had unnerved her totally. Only after taking a sip of the calming brew could she begin speaking again. "If Shykan loves his daughter so much, then why didn't she tell him of her preference from the beginning?" "Because when this started, Shykan was determined to match his daughter with Neroon. Even though traditionally it's the female who chooses her mate, if her father put enough pressure on Jerina, she might have agreed out of respect. And there was also the risk of her love for Callimer being discovered. That would have placed him in terrible jeopardy with everyone, both the Sun Hunters and the Star Riders. Once Neroon was out of the way, she could slowly introduce her ... preference, and Shykan would have agreed, in time." "Does Neroon have any feelings for her?" "I do not know, but if the effect she has on others is any indication, I would have to say yes. In spite of his behavior, I cannot imagine Neroon being totally impervious to feminine charms, if wielded correctly." "Especially if those feminine charms come with a denn'bok in hand." "Most definitely." The two had to chuckle at the thought of Neroon being unmade by a female and continued with their conversation in a lighter note. They would return to the darker topics soon enough, but for a moment they wanted to share happier memories and trade frivolous gossip if only to fortify themselves for what was ahead. * * * * * * * * "What is this?" Adolyn asked, waving around a tube. "A flesh-eating virus." Beano answered after taking a quick look. "That's why the vial's cap is red. Red for don't touch me whatever you do. Don't worry though, they're dormant as long as they're not exposed to air." Adolyn gave an alarming glance before cautiously placing the vial back in its holder. He thought he would be bored into the next reincarnation while stuck with the doctor, but to his surprise, he found himself busy trying to understand what was happening around him. As an acolyte, his natural curiosity was not worn down yet with time and other burdens, and the Lab was bustling with workers and patients. "That does it." Beano said. "I'm calling it a day." "You are going to sleep?" Adolyn barked in righteous outrage. "You cannot surely ignore your duty as ..." "Oh, can it, Adolyn," Beano snapped. "I can't function properly anymore, and in this state, I am liable to start making mistakes." "How dare you ..." "I also have the absolute power to throw you out of here and make sure none of you or your Star Ridders come through that door. So think very carefully, or as carefully as a member of Warrior Caste is capable of." Adolyn opened his mouth then closed it. He glanced away then said, "It's Star Riders." "That's what I said." "No, you didn't." "Yes I did." "No, you did not." Adolyn emphatically responded. "Yes, I did." "I see you have brought my aide down to your level, doctor. I congratulate you on your victory." Adolyn snapped into attention immediately when he heard Neroon's voice mocking him from behind. Beano did her best to keep her face neutral, but the look of misery on the young Star Rider's face made it impossible. She chuckled loudly as she packed up her station. "And where do you think you're going?" Neroon asked smoothly. "To bed, then perchance to dream. Maybe even have a decent meal, if that's even possible." "In Babylon 5, that will be a hard feat to accomplish. I am here because my aide has failed to report anything in the last six hours. I grew concerned for his welfare." "I think you're little late for that." Beano drawled. "But since I'm leaving, you two can chat right here about his welfare. Have a good day." "When will you return?" Neroon asked. "After I find that impossible meal, whenever that may be." "Your attitude is worrisome, doctor. The repercussions of your rather flippant behavior can be very ... exacting on all concerned." "Speaking of repercussions, have you given further thought about our conversation last night?" "No, I did not. I have more pressing matters." "Then don't speak to me about repercussions." Beano grabbed her backpack and marched out of the lab. "I can't believe they assigned that creature to solve Callimer's murder!" Adolyn bitterly complained. "May I remind you, not a moment ago, you were standing here having a stimulating argument with that creature, and losing. Before you examine the behavior of others, may I suggest you take a long, hard look at your own?" Adolyn looked down, letting the rebuke wash over him as required. "Follow me, we have much to discuss." Neroon ordered and his aide obeyed, still unable to raise his face. * * * * * * * * Beano was walking through the Zocalo, finishing a sandwich which tasted delicious but was made of suspicious foodstuff. Suddenly a voice caught her attention. "Dr. Quietbrook!" She turned around, "Ambassador Delenn, hello." "Are you returning to your quarters?" "Yes, I haven't slept for a while. I need a break." "Of course, then may we walk with you? Dr. Quietbrook, this is my friend, Rathenn from Minbar." The tall Minbari gave an elegant bow and Beano returned the show of respect as best she could. "The lift's this way." Beano said. The three didn't have to wait long for the tube. As soon as they began moving Delenn turned to ask the doctor a volley of questions. The lift jerked to a grinding stop and she would never have the chance. "That didn't sound good." Beano said. She requested various floors but there was no response from the system. "Looks like there's a malfunction." Delenn guessed as the lights flickered on and off. Beano tapped into her link, "Security?" "Yeah?" Garibaldi's voice came on. "Hey, this is Dr. Quietbrook. We're stuck ..." "Yeah, I see you, you're in A, right? It looks like something's gone haywire with the ..." Suddenly the whole lift shook and rattled, throwing its riders around violently. "Garibaldi!" Beano shouted. There was another shudder and she was slammed against the wall. A jagged pain ripped through her right leg, effectively silencing her. "Hold on!" Garibaldi shouted. The tube rattled once more. Then they heard a screeching sound as metal began ripping apart. Beano could only guess what would happen when it became loose in a space station functioning on artificial gravity. However, she calculated it would be as fatal as if the accident took place on earth. "Garibaldi!" She shouted once more into her link before she suddenly felt the lack of gravity. The sensation lasted only a moment before she crashed to the floor. A loud snap emanated from her leg, making Beano shout in pain. Delenn caught herself but Rathenn stumbled and fell into an undignified heap. "We got ya!" Garibaldi's shout could be heard from Beano's link. To his credit, there were noises on the other side of the door in less than a minute. It took security even less time before breaching the barrier. "You okay?" Garibaldi asked as soon as he saw them. "Yes, I think so." Delenn reassured shakily, helping her friend get up from the floor. Beano was still on the ground, gripping her leg. "Are you hurt?" Delenn asked. Beano nodded, her face white and pinched in pain. Garibaldi swiftly removed the Minbari from the lift while Lou gently picked up the doctor in his arms. There was a gurney waiting in the corridor and Beano found herself being wheeled back to Med Lab. Delenn and Rathenn were also escorted to make sure they received no serious injuries. Neroon and Adolyn were turning the corner when they saw the entourage charging down the hall. "What has happened?" Neroon asked in alarm. "There was an accident." Delenn informed him. "Doctor Quietbrook has been injured." Neroon gave a knowing glance towards his aide, and the young Minbari swiftly disappeared from his side. "Is the injury serious?" Neroon asked as he followed them into the Med Lab. "We don't know. Something's terribly wrong with her leg. I heard it break." Franklin cut away the trouser leg and saw the discoloration and the protrusion on her right kneecap. "Synthetic?" He asked. "The best money could buy." Beano gave a strained smile as she answered. Delenn could not take her eyes off from the sight in front of her. The whole right leg was wrapped by scars that radiated from Quietbrook's kneecap to mid-thigh and ankle. "You'll be fine." Franklin said to his friend, placing a caring hand on the sweating forehead. "I promise." She gave another nod then said, "Hit me with the good stuff, Stephen. I'm going to need it." "Consider it done, Beano. Want me to play Mozart? I know how much you like him." "That would be nice." "Ambassador Delenn?" Garibaldi respectfully approached the Minbari. "Can I speak to you?" Delenn allowed herself to be led away by the Chief of Security, leaving Neroon to study the operation taking place in front of him. After the pain medication eased Quietbrook's suffering, she began chatting with her friend as he performed the surgery on her leg. Their bandied comments were amusing if not a little bizarre under the circumstances for the Minbari. Neroon never understood why humans preferred to use what they termed 'local' anesthesia instead of putting their patient to sleep. Having the patient speak to you while you were cutting them open seemed to be an experience the surgeon could do without, especially if she was a close friend, but Dr. Franklin looked like he was managing it well enough. "Weird, isn't it?" Garibaldi asked from behind the warrior. Neroon did not answer. Instead, he turned to speak to Delenn only to find her absence. "Where is the Ambassador?" "She went back to her quarters, under guard. From now on she's on watch 24/7." "Is that a threat, Mr. Garibaldi?" "No, I just thought you might like to know, she being your friend and all." Garibaldi said quietly. "See you around." Neroon warily stared after Michael as he exited the Med Lab. He now knew he will also be watched like Delenn until this was resolved to Garibaldi's satisfaction. I see plans within plans within plans. Hedronn's statement came to haunt him. I fear for our whole world, Neroon. I fear for Minbar. Neroon snarled loudly enough to be heard by the whole staff in the Lab. Then he stormed out of the room, determined to break anything and anyone until the truth was uncovered. It was only until he was in the stairwell could he accept the fact he did not know where to go next. If that was not an accident, then Delenn and Rathenn would have perished alongside the human. The Religious Caste would have sunk into an unstoppable fury. They would have demanded blood retribution and would not have relented until they had their fill of it. Neroon rested his head against the cool, metallic wall. His life was falling apart, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. "Satai Neroon," Adolyn's quiet voice intruded into his dark thoughts. "What is it?" "I overheard the security personnel talking about what had happened. Satai, it was sabotage. Whoever did this planned to kill the human, Delenn and Satai Rathenn!" "Adolyn, inform everyone they must not report to me unless ordered by me personally, and under no circumstances come near my personal quarters. We must progress carefully from now onwards." "Yes, Satai." Neroon did not move until he was sure his aide was gone. He slowly walked down the stairs, his mind storming with ideas when an odd feeling came over him. The warrior whirled around, his denn'bok exploding into its full length. There was no one, yet the disturbing sensation of being watched did not go away. His gaze penetrated the dark, dissecting it slowly only to find nothing hidden. Nothing. Yet, Neroon knew there was something there, malignant, patient and undeniably triumphant.