Sleeping with the Enemy Chapter 2 You, yourself, and someone like you "Perhaps there was some small wisdom in letting your species survive " Neroon, Legacies Hailey slowly awoke, becoming aware of the heavy weight on her chest. A wet tongue anxiously licked her face, pulling her from her dream of a dark-eyed Minbari. She groaned and opened her eyes. "Ahh—get off me Orion!" she ordered. "Stop slobbering on me you big mutt! I’m up! I’m up already!" The large wolf-dog jumped off the bed and barked impatiently at Hailey. She glared at the overgrown puppy who had started pulling her covers off the bed in an effort to get his food quicker. Hailey pulled back but soon gave up the battle of tug o’ war. Orion decided next to take ahold of her nightshirt and pull her out of the small bed. "Okay—okay—you win! You win!" she laughed as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. Since she had gotten Orion three months ago this had become a morning ritual. She’d sleep in and he’d wake her up wanting breakfast. "Computer: time?", she called out, shrugging on a robe. "Eleven hundred hours," was the monotone reply. Hailey groaned and threw a look at the bounding puppy. Orion grabbed ahold of her robe deciding to drag her into the tiny kitchen right off the main living area. Her quarters consisted of four main rooms: bedroom, living area, kitchen, and of course a bathroom. Everything cramped, worn and old. Once in the kitchen, Hailey began making Orion’s food. Suddenly her com shrieked urgently, Hailey grimaced -- it was her equivalent of nails on a chalk board. She put Orion’s bowl on the ground and walked over to the screen. "Yes?" She said activating the screen. Her friend Calyin’s face appeared. "Hey, Calyin." "Glad to see you’re up Hailey," her friend said. "Man girl you look like hell! What happened?" "Late night. Very late night. So what’s up?" Hailey smiled at her friend. "Me and Stephen are having lunch with Marcus about two o’clock. We wondered if you wanted to come?" Calyin looked her friend over in concern; she didn’t like the dark circles under her eyes. "Oh Calyin—any other day I’d say yes, but I promised Abby I’d take her shopping and to the gardens," Hailey said apologetically. "Maybe next time then, Hailey. Marcus is sure going to miss you though. He says you’re the only one who really get his jokes!" "Now that’s scary! Give my regards to lover boy and tell Marcus I’ll see him next Friday," Hailey said. Calyin rolled her eyes. "Sure thing Hail, keep out of trouble!" "Who me? Trouble?" Calyin groaned and closed the link. Hailey chuckled softly then went in to take her shower. She was running late as it was. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In another part of the station another person was also running late. Neroon stalked into the cafe where Marcus was already waiting. He scowled at the dark-haired ranger and sat down. Neroon had gotten very little sleep the night before after his encounter with the star-eyed human female. As he sat down the Ranger looked at him perplexed. Neroon looked as if someone had recently hit him over the head with a two by four and he’d not yet gotten over it. A very unusual expression for Neroon. <"You’re late,"> Marcus stated simply. <"What of it, Ranger?"> Neroon growled, glowering at him. <"Just making a comment,"> Cole drawled, <"So—is it a deal? You’re in?"> <"Yes, I’m ‘in’, as you say it. I will be there when the time comes,"> Neroon said grudgingly. <"Good! Delenn will be pleased,"> Marcus said. Neroon rose to his feet glaring down at the Ranger. <"Know this human—for I will only say it once! I do this for my own reasons!! Not to please Delenn!"> With that Neroon stalked off though the Zocalo Marcus shook his head at the retreating warrior. ‘He hasn’t changed at all.’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hailey tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for the lift. Glancing at her watch again she let out a shriek of frustration. Abby would be waiting for her and Abby HATED waiting!! What was taking the bloody lift so long? Finally the lift bleeped announcing it had come to a stop. Hailey briskly entered, only to run straight into the broad chest of a dark menacing figure. Quickly looking up she recognized him and hastily tried to move away. Neroon grasped her bare arms holding her still, his brown eyes locked with her golden ones. She glared back at him brazenly, but Neroon could see fear there and -- yes -- even a hint of loneliness. Loneliness that echoed in his own soul. He held her for a moment more then pushed her away disgusted that he’d even touched her. Hailey already struggling to free herself from his grasp jerked away just as he shoved her away from him. She gasped as her she felt her feet slip out from under her. Hailey tried to regain her balance but -- thanks to her long broom stick skirt -- only managed to change the direction of her fall. "Ah!" She gasped. Neroon’s strong hands reached out and steadied her against him. He held her pressed against his chest for a long spellbinding moment, savoring the feel of her warm female body. Neither of them moved, save the even rise and fall of their chests. Hailey tipped her head all the back so she could look at him. Never in her life had she felt smaller or more fragile than she did now. Neroon looked into her face which for the first time held something other than contempt; and felt something stir within him. This wasn’t the same girl from the night before or was she? Hailey was a dream given form as she stood in his arms. She in turn marveled at the feeling of safety she felt resting against him. It was as if she belonged there in his strong embrace. Neroon lifted his hand and stroked her cheek, marveling at the softness, breaking the spell. Much to his chagrin she pulled away, backing a few steps away from him. Her gaze was again scornful and defiant, just as his was again arrogant and cold. Neroon thought she was about to speak when suddenly she blushed and broke eye contact. "Thank you for catching me," she said softly. Her eyes held a warm glow to them he’d never seen before. She hesitated a moment more. "I’m sorry for my behavior last night, Sir. I hope you will forgive me." Before the startled Neroon could answer Hailey ordered the lift to stop. As the doors opened she quickly retreated. Neroon caught her arm keeping her a moment longer. It was then Neroon saw the dark bruise encircling her wrist, an injury HE had placed there. He felt a wave of guilt that he’d actually placed a mark on her skin. If Hailey hadn’t known better she would have said that his brown eyes looked, well almost tender as he looked at her in that moment. "Next time we meet perhaps you will call me Neroon ... instead of sir..." With that he let her go, the door closing behind her. Once again Hailey had shared a lift with Neroon, and left it feeling ... shaken. But unlike the night before where anger ruled her mind as she got off the lift, she only felt bewildered. Hailey shook her head and called for another lift. She wondered why she suddenly remembered a long-ago dream of a Minbari with dark fathomless eyes.