PART 4 - The Delicate Balance of In-Between
by Jimmy, June 2, 2001

Lennier walked purposefully towards the lab, wondering if Doctor Quietbrook or Dr. Franklin was still working. It was half past two in the morning, earth time, and he believed most humans would be well ensconced in their beds by now.

"Isn't it a little late for you to be about, Lennier?"

Lennier felt the muscles on the back of his neck tighten in annoyance. Neroon always managed to bring out the worst in the acolyte. If there was anyone Lennier was capable of seriously disliking - it was Neroon. The Minbari possessed self-confidence that could only be described as arrogant, and his treatment of Delenn was not-too-subtle practice in cruelty. Lennier also didn't like the way Neroon acted towards the humans on Babylon 5. He had become quite fond of the staff, and Neroon's behavior always managed to leave him embarrassed and stumbling around for a proper explanation if not an apology.

"It could also be described as a little early, Satai Neroon." Lennier calmly responded, making sure to keep his eyes averted downward.

The left corner of Neroon's lips curled up in light amusement. The casual answer belied the supreme self-control Lennier mastered during his stay on Babylon 5. Neroon was also aware Lennier would never consciously betray Delenn no matter what tactics he employed. Adoration, unspoken love and false sense of destiny would make it nearly impossible for him to probe too deeply into the student's thoughts without having Lennier take flight. Best then to make it quick and waste as little time as possible for both.

"Are you by chance visiting the Med Lab?"

"I plan to in the near future, yes."

"I see you have acquired Delenn's propensity for deliberate obtuseness."

"Only as a necessity, Satai."

"I wish to speak to Dr. Franklin about Callimer's murder."

"The Bab-com is to your left. The directory should have his name. Good night." Lennier bowed curtly and began walking again.

Neroon stared after the acolyte with his mouth slightly ajar. He didn't think it possible, but the young Minbari just dismissed him - an elder and a member of The Grey Council with practiced ease. Lennier was halfway down the corridor when Neroon's hand landed firmly on his right shoulder.

"I suggest you visit the lab now." Neroon warned, his voice deepening audibly.

Lennier kept his head bowed, so Neroon could not see the youth's face, but he had a dawning suspicion the acolyte was laughing at him. Lennier led him docilely without another word through the various halls on the station.

"Who is it?" Franklin's voice greeted them as soon as they entered Med Lab. The temperature drop was noticeable. Neroon wondered if it was necessary for their work, or because the humans preferred a cooler climate. It didn't matter really, the coolness did much to soothe Neroon's temper.

"It is, I, Lennier. And I have a guest."

"Mr. Lennier, I was expecting you. Hold on a minute, I need to finish something."

The doctor bustled out from a back room holding numerous data crystals and a beaker tucked underneath his left arm. Lennier quickly took the glass container and stepped back to allow the doctor to settle himself into his terminal.

"Thank you." Franklin said and began plugging in the data crystals into the reader. "So what can I do for you and your guest at two-thirty in the morning?"

Lennier handed over the beaker, but not before a quick examination. The liquid in it had a curious, reflective color. "Ambassador Delenn assigned me to help you in any manner possible, Doctor Franklin. In case you have any questions about Minbari customs or physiology."

Franklin turned to Neroon, "And you are here because?"

"I wish to be updated about the investigation into Callimer's murder."

"Why? He isn't a member of your clan."

"How did you know that?"

"I read a lot. And Dr. Quietbrook is familiar with the Minbari caste system. Something about colors and schematics of your outfits."

"Where is Dr. Quietbrook?" Lennier asked, realizing Dr. Franklin was working alone.

"Back at the scene of the crime."

"Is that wise?" Lennier voiced genuine concern.

"No, but you try telling Dr. Quietbrook to stay put. She said she had extra tests to run and took off with bag and baggage about ten minutes ago."

"So is Dr. Quietbrook formally heading the investigation?"

"Yes and no. It depends on which stage of the investigation we're on. She initiates everything, and I get to sign off on it."

"And she has the necessary qualifications?" Lennier asked politely. "I am not questioning Captain Sheridan's judgment or yours ..."

"No, I know you're not, Lennier. Yes, she's very qualified for this. Probably more than I am."

"So, I should be helping Dr. Quietbrook right now."

Franklin was only too glad to get rid of the interruption, no matter how polite the interruption was. "Yes, you should be by her side even as we speak."

"Then I will go. Good evening, Doctor Franklin."

"Take care, Lennier." Franklin didn't acknowledge Neroon and returned to the data streaming across the computer terminal in front of him.

Neroon didn't take offense at the lack of recognition from the doctor. It curiously pleased him to see outright defiance from the human. Ever since becoming Satai, he was bombarded with fawning praises and undeserved respect from other Minbari. In fact, Neroon was completely sickened of the sycophantic behavior and treasured the moments when he was either left in peace or in the companionship of others who were unafraid to tell the plain truth to his face.

Lennier, recognizing Neroon's thoughts to be elsewhere, speedily removed himself from the lab in the hopes of disappearing before the Satai came to. However, he had little luck of getting rid of his companion as Neroon caught up with him as soon as he stepped out of the room. To his relief Neroon didn't press for either conversation or explanation of his odd behavior and allowed the youth to lead him into the night.

* * * * * * * *

"Dr. Quietbrook?" Lennier politely inquired before sticking his head into the open doorway.

"And who is the poor soul up so late?" Beano asked in her friendliest manner. Stephen had already warned her of the Minbari's impending arrival, giving her time to plan a way of dealing with the unwanted intruders.

"It is I, Lennier."

"And a guest." Neroon added dryly, entering the room without hesitation. "I am ..."

"Neroon of the Star Riders." Beano finished his sentence. "I've been told."

"By whom?" Neroon asked.

"By someone who knows you as Neroon of the Star Riders. Why, is there something else about you that I should know? Besides the fact that you could see into a room by standing meters away from the door?"

Beano saw Lennier's eyes flash of humor before the calm mask once again settled in. "I am sorry about Callimer's death. I should have said it earlier, but my work demanded my full attention."

"And it doesn't now?" Neroon asked.

"Now, I am caught up. Evidence has a lot to do with timing. The quicker we are, the better chance we have of collecting more of them."

Lennier stepped forward, still respectfully two steps behind Neroon. A distance Beano understood and was grateful to the young Minbari for revealing so elegantly.

"Dr. Quietbrook, why are you here?" Lennier asked.

"Oxidation of blood." She said standing up. "I wanted to have a quick look. Different blood oxidizes at a different rate. I turned this room into a controlled environment by making housekeeping turn off everything but air. That way, I can see at a glance how many different bodies were in the room."

"And what does the room reveal?" Lennier asked politely.

"Not much," Beano admitted. "I'll have to see how the blood tests pan out. I'm figuring even with his massive wounds, Callimer was able to sink in at least one or two good blows. Hopefully, we'll get DNA matches and work from there."

"I am here to offer my services," Lennier explained. "Ambassador Delenn said you might have questions I could answer."

"That was very kind of the Ambassador, and your offer is gladly accepted, Mr. Lennier. I can use all the help I can get, but I'm done for the night. However, tomorrow, I'll probably run you to the ground."

"As soon as you've finished any reports, I wish to see it." Neroon interrupted smoothly.

"What is the Star Rider's interest in this? I thought Ambassador Delenn would be responsible for disseminating any information regarding this investigation to the proper Minbari channels."

"My responsibility is to the Warrior Caste. If what Dr. Franklin said was correct, you should know what that requires."

Beano didn't pick up on his challenge, and Neroon knew she spotted his carefully laid trap. If she admitted as much, it would bind her to an obligation that could backfire on her as the investigation moved forward. If she claimed ignorance, then it would discredit Dr. Franklin since he made an egregious error regarding his friend's capabilities.

"I'll see what I can do." Beano finally said. "But I won't make promises I can't keep."

"This situation requires more than promises."

"Glad to see you come to that realization. Good night." Beano replied, irritated. It was too late in the evening for her to continue feigning politeness to someone who didn't deserve the effort.

* * * * * * * *

Neroon sat down, finally allowing some exhaustion to seep into his person. He heard the door slide open and turned to see a familiar and welcomed face.

"What have you found?" Adolyn asked.

"Hedronn is here."

"How do you know? We've not been told of his arrival."

"Because Lennier is now paired with the staff member responsible for investigating Callimer's death. I would like to think it's Delenn's idea, but I suspect it was at the urging of another. Lennier will spy for her, and she, in turn, will discuss the situation with Hedronn in order to help him handle the situation as he sees fit."

"So Hedronn trusts us any longer."

"Can you blame him?" Neroon asked. "Hedronn finally manages to convince Callimer to meet with us and within hours of his arrival, he is found dead. And I think I could safely say Callimer's death was not accidental."

Adolyn smiled at Neroon's sarcastic observation. Most Minbari would be pained by the Satai's sharp words, but he had long been used to them. "Why Delenn? I would have thought ..."

"Old habits die hard, Adolyn, especially for a Minbari. And that rule applies doubly in this case since she served with him far longer than I have. Delenn also has connections on Babylon 5, connections that could help him should he decide to hide the fact he was responsible for this mess to begin with."

"Will he?"

"I do not know. Hedronn might be Warrior Caste, but his reasoning makes one wonder if he isn't more suited for the Religious Caste."

"I have some information regarding Dr. Franklin and Dr. Quietbrook if you care to read it."

"Why not? I need something to put me to sleep."

Adolyn plugged the data crystal and Neroon reluctantly read the material. It wasn't long before his curiosity overwhelmed his exhaustion. "This is interesting." He muttered to his companion.

"Very. Dr. Franklin's arrest was particularly enlightening. My contacts are still trying to find out why and how he was released so suddenly and without cause. Humans take a very dim view of treason. It is a crime punishable by spacing in their world." "And the one they call Quietbrook also has a colorful record."

"Besides the investigation into the bombing, she was the forensic specialist assigned to forty-three killings. She recommended five death of personalities."

"And all five were carried out." Neroon said as he continued reading.

"Yes, her word carries a great deal of weight back on Earth. It seems she is respected by all concerned in their judicial system."

"A system she has so little faith in, yet she serves them like a slave to its master. How strange."

"She's human. Do I need to say more?"

"True, thank you for reminding me, Adolyn. I must not think too much about these humans. I have neither the constitution nor the patience to survive such a tedious journey."

Adolyn smiled and gave a bow of reverence. "Is there anything else you require, Satai?"

"Yes, do you know how to tap into Babylon 5's systems?"

"It should present no great difficulties. May I ask why?"

"Besides having no allies here, I am curious."


"This Doctor Quietbrook, I talked to her in the last hour. She had returned to Callimer's room for some tests or so she claimed. When asked what type of tests, she lied. I don't think Lennier picked it up, but it was obvious to me that she was hiding something."

"You think she found more evidence?"

"If her record is any indication, I have to say yes, and if at all possible, I would like to find out before Hedronn does."

"Consider it done, Satai Neroon."

"Good night, Adolyn."

Neroon once again welcomed the solitude with a grateful heart. He took off his gloves and massaged his hands as they ached from overuse and general neglect. Suddenly a thought crossed his mind, and he realized why Quietbrook had returned to the room. His suspicion grew into dread, and he began to wonder how big a net was cast to catch him and his clan.

-- continued in part five --