TOOLS OF DARKNESS Part 1 By Sunraven Dr. Sarel, the head physician on the Minbari colony of Korun, briefed Dr. Terra McClare, Satai Neroon, and Fleet Captain Lenann on the plague that had a grip on the planet. He looked exhausted and disheartened, which was understandable since he had been working on the plague since it had only been a series of unexplained illnesses less than a week ago. "We have finally determined that it is not an airborne transmitter, but in fact is passed on from secretions and saliva." "I was suspecting that was true, because if it had been an airborne contaminant the incidents of the diseases would have been much higher. We can thank Valen for that small piece of good luck." Terra responded. "Good luck! Doctor McClare, over two thousand Minbari have died in the last six days. I would not call that good luck!" "Satai Neroon, if it had been an airborne transmitter, we would have lost a hundred thousand people or more by now. Those types of diseases are almost impossible to stop quickly. We have more of a chance to beat this thing with a saliva or secretion-borne contaminant." She turned back to Dr. Sarel. "What are you doing to quarantine the ill?" "We have closed the access to several of the major hospitals in each of the four cities on Korun. We have volunteer pilots bringing supplies and personnel in, and that is where we are keeping the ill. Where we are here," He gestured to the facility they were now meeting in, "has been taken for the headquarters and the disease research command center. Samples of blood and other secretions are brought here from the quarantine areas." "Any patients here?" "Some, mainly researchers and caregivers who have taken ill. We have tried to keep the researchers as far from the contamination as possible. But many of us have gone out on our own to the hospitals, and because of that, some have taken ill." "If I am to help you in this, Dr. Sarel, I am going to have to reinforce the rules of segregation of researchers." Lenann said, "But that goes against Minbari beliefs in sharing all things with the community, both good and bad, Terra. That will not be easy to enforce." "I know, Fleet Captain Lenann. I am well aware of the Minbari tradition of sharing experiences. But I’m afraid that is the first rule of dealing with an epidemic or plague. It does no one any good if the researchers die of the illness before they can cure it. At this moment, the only person who is safe to go into the contaminated areas is me." "How do you know that it is safe for you, Doctor? Surely you haven’t seen enough of the disease yet to have determined there is no chance of cross contamination?" Sensing Neroon’s fear for her, she said gently, "You will have to trust me on this one, Satai Neroon. The pathology of this disease will not effect humans. Human biochemical structures are so different from yours that the chance of cross-infection is over a million to one. Which is why I really wish that the Gray Council would have allowed me to bring in some human caregivers and researchers to help handle this problem. It would cut down the risk." "No! It is not the Minbari way to allow outsiders to solve our problems for us. You are here only because you are a Minbari citizen, and as such are one of us." Neroon answered quickly. "Well, we will do the best we can with what we’ve got, then. I will need to have a copy of all of your biochemical records and sample analyses that have been done up to now, Dr. Sarel." The older man looked surprised. "That is quite extensive, Doctor McClare. We have prepared a summary of the research up to date that will take you less time to read." She smiled. "I will read that first, Doctor. But my specialty is seeing patterns in biochemical behaviors and disruptions, and I will need to look at all your raw data, even if I have to use a sleep learner to get it all in. That is the only way I can avoid going over the same areas your people have already covered. Please have it all sent to me as soon as possible. I’ll take it in the original format as I am quite familiar with all Minbari medical research formats." "As you wish, Doctor McClare." He looked at Satai Neroon. "Do you wish to join with Satai Relinn in visiting the stricken communities, Satai Neroon? His presence here has greatly raised the spirits of everyone on Korun." "What! Relinn is here on Korun?" Terra shouted, startling the dignified researcher. "Why yes, Doctor. He has been here since yesterday." Fear overwhelmed her for a minute. "Where is he? I want him off this planet and on the Ingata, Neroon, as soon as he can be found. He is too old to be doing this. This disease is killing off the old and the very young first, and so he is in extreme danger!" She glared at the Warrior Satai like it was all his fault that her beloved Relinn was risking his life. Needless to say, Dr. Sarel was totally shocked at the fact that this Human female not only addressed one of the Gray Council in that disrespectful tone, but two of them! And even more odd, Satai Neroon apparently thought nothing of the disrespect shown to him. "Terra, I am as surprised as you are that Relinn took it upon himself to come here. He certainly did not have the approval of the Gray Council for his actions. He must have left just after I did. That is the only way he would have been able to beat the Ingata here. But he is Satai, and as such, you cannot dictate his actions. If he chooses to remain, then there is nothing we can do." "We will see about that." She turned to Sarel. "Where is Satai Relinn now, Dr. Sarel?" "Uh, he is visiting our capitol city of Chelann today, Doctor McClare. I believe he is addressing a group of Worker Caste at the Hall of Echoes at this moment." "Lenann, let’s go! Take me to Chelann right now. How many hospitals are in Chelann with disease victims, Dr. Sarel?" "Five. That city is our most populous, and as such has been the most impacted by the disease." "Lenann, what are you waiting for?" Lenann got up to stand by her, ready to take her anywhere she wanted. "Terra, I cannot approve you going to Chelann and embarrassing Satai Relinn. He is a Satai, which means he can follow his own heart as he pleases!" "I don’t remember asking for your approval, Neroon. Let’s go, Lenann." After they left, Dr. Sarel looked at Neroon and said derisively. "I find it difficult to believe that all of the brilliant research papers I have read by Dr. McClare have been written by that overemotional Human female." Neroon’s eyes flashed dangerously, as he responded, "That overemotional Human female has dropped many important projects to come here to help our people, Dr. Sarel, and it is the second time she has done so in the last twelve years. Furthermore, she honors Satai Relinn as a father, and would be devastated if he should become ill. I would suggest that you go make yourself useful and gather that research she needs while she is gone, for, by Gray Council edict, Dr. McClare is now in charge of this command center. Meanwhile, I am going to make sure that she doesn’t annoy a hall full of worker caste by dragging Satai Relinn out the door by his headbone. Fleet Captain Lenann is one of our best denn-bok masters, but even he would be hard pressed if attacked by a hall full of angry people." Neroon strolled up to the shuttle and into it. "Thank you for waiting for me." He said to Lenann. "It wasn’t easy. She has been wanting me to leave, and has made it very clear what she thinks about my waiting for you. "Don’t talk about me like I’m not here, Lenann!" She glared at them both until Neroon was strapped in and the shuttle lifting off. At the Hall of Echoes, the three of them walked into a huge vaulted auditorium. Satai Relinn had finished speaking to the group, and was now moving around in the crowd talking with his fellow casteworkers. Neroon took point position, for good reason. Any Minbari with any sense would immediately move out of the way of a Warrior Caste Officer in full armor, especially one with Neroon’s panache, and he moved through the crowd like Moses parting the Red Sea. Satai Relinn saw the commotion their passage caused and looked up. He saw Neroon (who could miss him?) and said. "Satai Neroon. You have finally made it. Did you bring Terra safely to Korun?" Terra moved from behind her large pointman and said, her hands on her hips and her eyes flashing green as emerald fire, "Yes he did, Relinn, and I was not happy to hear that you got here before us and are putting yourself at risk! That was not a very bright thing to do." "Terra, perhaps we should go to a less public place." Neroon said. Ignoring him, Terra moved up to the Worker Caste Satai and stared angrily up at him. To the surprise of everyone around the two except Relinn, Sador’s Globe on Terra’s breast was glowing with a green fire that matched the Human’s eye color, as though it was angry with the Worker Satai as well. "Will you not greet me with an embrace, Terra? Or are you so angry at me that you can’t show affection for your old friend?" She smiled then, like the sun breaking through the clouds, and she came to him and hugged him tightly, Human style. "It is good to see you again, dear heart, but not here, and not now. Please come back to the research facility with me now." "Dear heart?" Neroon growled to Lenann, causing his Kin-by-oath to smile at the jealous warrior. He couldn’t help but tease, "You would be jealous of a one cycle old male babe, Neroon, I swear you would!" "Relinn is not one cycle old!" "No, he’s 140 cycles old, and old enough to be her grandfather." "So was Valen, when he married his wife." Lenann’s only answer was to roll his eyes. Relinn turned, his arm still around Terra, and told the people who were apparently the city heads, "I must leave now, but with Dr. McClare here on Korun, we can all have hope that this illness will soon be beaten." The Head responded with a bow, "You honor us, Doctor, by coming to us in our hour of need. Thank you." She smiled and bowed. "Don’t thank me until this sickness is licked, sir. But you do honor to me." They all left in the shuttle and went back to the command center. Once back and alone with Relinn, Terra turned on the Worker Satai. "Relinn, please go to the Ingata. There is too much risk for you here, at your age." "The population on the planet is mostly my Caste, Terra. They need me. I am a symbol of hope for them. I cannot go where it is safe while they are at risk." He smiled at her serenely. "Satai Neroon is also at risk, and Fleet Captain Lenann, and yet they are still here." "Don’t remind me! I refused to let them come with me, and they ganged up on me, and Neroon picked me up and carried me off the shuttle! It was embarrassing as hell!" She glared at him for a bit while he laughed his booming glass blower laugh, then she finally quirked her lips in a small smile. "I am sorry, Terra, I do not mean to laugh at you, but Neroon probably has found the best way to handle you when you are being stubborn." She started laughing with him. "It is hard to argue with him when I’m slung over his shoulder like a sack of vegetables." Then she became serious again. "All right, Relinn, I won’t harass you any more if you promise me you will take the proper precautions against contamination." "My life is in your hands, little one!" She rolled her eyes. "I don’t think this situation could get any worse, with you, Neroon, and Lenann here risking your lives." At that moment, Neroon strolled in, with Lenann right behind him. "Actually, Terra, the situation has just gotten worse. A ship of Anla’Shok, along with Sech Durhan, has just announced their arrival. Apparently, Entil’Zha Sinclair thought that a ship full of mixed human and Minbari Anla’Shok could help with the piloting of supplies and personnel." Terra’s face turned white, and she went over to Neroon, putting her hand on his arm. "Oh, no, Neroon! Don’t let them land. Sech Durhan is over 160 cycles old. It will be the death of him!" "It is too late!" Said a booming voice behind Neroon. Sech Durhan strutted in and eyed Neroon up and down. "As though this young puppy of a Satai could stop me from doing as I please in the first place!" Part 2 – Hail, Hail, the gang’s all here!