PART 5 - Tools of Dishonor by Sunraven, June, 2001 The next day, with only two more days until they were to reach Korun, Neroon took the fighters of the Ingata on a skin dancing exercise. Lenann, who was now universally respected on the Ingata because of his denn-bok expertise, had requested to have the external sensor vid recordings piped into their quarters so that they could watch the lesson. To Terra, it seemed as though Neroon took horrible chances with his fighter, once coming so close to the Ingata that he actually hit it lightly and bounced off. Lenann watched the exercises, his hazel eyes shining with excitement. "You wish you were out there with them, not in here guarding me." He looked at her, embarrassed. "It is very disconcerting living with an empath. I'm surprised that Ledann didn't get uncomfortable with you reading his emotions so clearly" "I guess he got used to it after a time. But it has advantages as well as disadvantages." "Advantages? How?" She blushed. "With an empath, there is never any fumbling to find centers of pleasure, and the pleasure of both are augmented because of the gift. And if a person is ill, or sad, having someone sense that and help without having been told is nice. But it does rather, uh, strip illusions away from a relationship. It can be very uncomfortable. And very lovely as well if the two people can face the intimacy." He smiled at her, giving off friendship and caring vibes strongly. "The loveliness part of it is obvious to me, Terra." "Thank you, Lenann." Their eyes turned back to the vid, until Neroon did some type of crazy corkscrew twirl with the ship that forced Terra to look away in fear. Finally she couldn't take it any more and got up, saying she was going into her room to rest and meditate. She did just that, and took a nap on the couch. She hadn't gotten much sleep the night before because Neroon had been doing the last night of his true face watch, and had decided that he wanted company, illogical as that sounds. So he distracted her from sleeping off and on for the whole night. Neroon was a very good distracter, and they had laughed, talked, flirted, came this close to re-consummating their relationship, and enjoyed themselves enormously. She woke up to the noise of him returning from the skin dancing exercises. She heard him say to Ledann in a dangerous voice, "Where is Terra?" She could feel his fear for her loud and clear. "She is in her bedroom, Neroon, and do not talk to me as though I do not know the meaning of duty. I have been here the entire time. Anyone who means her harm will have to get through me first." Neroon only nodded, then went into Terra's bedroom. He saw her lying on the couch and asked, "Terra? Are you well?" "I'm fine, Neroon. I just couldn't stand watching you do all of those dangerous stunts with that flyer, so I decided to come in here and take a nap. After all," She sat up and smiled at him. "I didn't get much sleep last night because of a certain pest of a Warrior Caste that was with me." "Has Chakur been bothering you again?" He said with a grin. "I will really have to tell him to leave you alone." "As if he would still be alive if you caught him bothering me in my bedroom! Lenann says that you were marvelous in your skin dancing." "Of course. I am marvelous with many kinds of skin dancing." His eyes twinkled at her. "Yes. And with such modesty, as well. It's a wonder a paragon like you has managed to beat off the females long enough to stay unmarried." His face sobered abruptly. "I will not take a wife until the time comes when I can marry the woman who I gave my heart to so long ago." She looked into his brown eyes, a small smile on her face. "That is, if she will ever have you, of course." He then asked, "And will she?" Startled, Terra realized that he really wanted an answer. "Neroon, you can't be serious!" "Oh, I am quite serious, Terra. Will you have me as your husband?" "No!" At the sharp pang of hurt she felt from him she added, "I mean, no, dear heart. It wouldn't work between us, despite the strength of our feelings for each other." "Even if it is what I wished?" "Even then, Neroon. Your people were wise in giving the female the primary right to say yes or no to a marriage, and I say that it can't happen between us. Our spirits are too far apart for marriage, dear, even more so than they were during the peace talks." "I do not want to lose you again, Terra." He said sadly. "You will never lose me, my love, or my admiration for you."She said gently, touching his face lightly. "Excuse me." Lenann came in the room. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting?" Before Neroon could say anything rude, Terra responded, "No, you weren't interrupting anything that can't be continued at another time. What is it, Ledann?" "Captain Chakur requested our presence at a formal dinner with him tonight. I told him yes, but that I would have to check with you two to confirm." "Terra? Do you want to go to dinner with Chakur?" Neroon asked her. "I can't think of anything I would like less, to tell you the truth. It would be bad enough to sit around listening to a bunch of old warhorses tell battle lies and bragging about their prowess even if I liked all of them and they liked me. But Chakur hates me, and I not only would be bored to death, but I would also have to put up with his putrid emotions the whole time. Sorry, you two, but I just can't stomach that if I don't have to do it." "Old warhorses?" Neroon looked at Lenann. "You go with Chakur tonight, Lenann. I will stay with Terra." "It is not appropriate for me to go in your place, Neroon. You go. I'll stay." "How about if both of you go to have dinner with Chakur, and Neroon can ask Sorat to stay with me? Surely Captain Chakur will give up his Alyt in order to have dinner with a Satai and with Durhan's successor?" Neroon looked surprised. "I thought you did not like Sorat, Terra." "Sorat is a fine warrior and a nice person, Neroon, and I like her just fine. What I didn't like was your improper familiarity with her." A warning flash of green in her eyes kept the smile off Neroon's face, fortunately for him. "Then I will check with her to see if she will guard you. Did she tell you that Kalain was her brother?" "Yes she did. I could see the resemblance once I knew to look for it, though she's about 200 pounds lighter than he was. It is because of that relationship that I trust her to protect me to the best of her ability."Then she looked slyly at Neroon. "And her feelings for a certain Satai, as well." Neroon was beginning to look alarmed. "You will do nothing to hurt Sorat, Terra? She is an old friendÖ" Terra smiled evilly at him. "I may get her talking about you when you were young. I bet I could get some interesting stories out of her." Now he was really looking concerned. So he wasn't as oblivious to Sorat's feelings as he pretended to be, she thought jealously. * * * * * * * Sorat came in just as the two warriors were doing the final polish on their dress uniforms. Terra was looking each of them over critically, and then nodded. Once the Alyt was in the room, Terra said, "Don't these two look fine, Alyt Sorat?"Causing all three Minbari to blush. The female warrior hid it well, but Terra could tell her eyes were only for Neroon. "Yes, they do at that, Doctor McClare."And she bowed to each of them in turn. Neroon turned to Sorat and said, "Again I am entrusting Dr. McClare's safety into your hands, and in so doing, am also entrusting the lives of the plague patients on Korun to you as well." The additional emotions and his fear for her safety was sensed only by Terra. "I am honored that you have entrusted this important task to me, Satai Neroon. I will not fail you. Dr. McClare will remain safe, even if my life be forfeit to keep her so." The two of them left for dinner, and Terra turned to Sorat, "Did you bring the Tac-lech board with you, Alyt Sorat?" "Yes, Doctor, I did." "Call me Terra, Alyt. I am more comfortable being addressed that way in informal situations." And she smiled at the Minbari. "You may address me as Sorat, also, if you wish, Terra." Then the warrior looked at the human curiously. "I have heard a great deal about you, Terra, and I find that very little of it seems accurate. But I think I can see why Kalain trusted you with the death thoughts of his crew. You have something about you that makes a person feel comfortable in your presence." "That's my empathy you are feeling, Sorat. I tend to reflect the emotions of whoever I am with. In actuality, I am really fairly short tempered and sharp-tongued." "My Captain does not care for you at all." "You noticed that, did you? Needless to say, Captain Chakur and I have not been friendly since the Minbari - Earth peace talks. My job was to keep the peace, and I was forced to put him into an embarrassing situation because of his own behavior. He has never forgiven me for doing that." "He does stick with his views once he has made up his mind. In that way he is very unlike Satai Neroon and Shai Alyt Branmer, who always kept their minds open to new data. But Captain Chakur is a good leader now that Neroon has been made Satai." Terra offered the warrior some tea, and they sat down on the couch, totally ignoring the Tac-lech board. Gossiping about Neroon was much more fun. "You've known Satai Neroon since before the war with the Humans, haven't you, Sorat?" The Minbari's eyes lit up. "Since I was first out of the academy, Terra. He was my Lieutenant when I was first stationed here on the Ingata. But you must have known him as well, because he was with the Shai Alyt before Chakur became his aide during the peace talks. No one knew why he had been taken off the peace talks and Chakur put in his place. One day he showed up here on the Ingata, and he was not forthcoming as to why he had left. He also seemed rather subdued for a while after he returned." Trying unsuccessfully to control her blush, Terra responded, "We were told that he had important Warrior Caste business to attend to. One day he was there, the next he was gone." Sorat looked at the human. Why was her face turning red? Was she frightened or something? She said, "He brought a memento back from the peace talks. I know, because he showed it to me once. The time that I mentioned earlier, when I asked him about why he never married." It was her turn to blush, "We had had rather a bit too much Jah'let at the time, celebrating his birthing day, and I was feeling bolder than usual." "A memento? What kind of memento?" "A beautiful piece of jewelry, with a rich green stone in it. I have never seen its like since. He kept it in his personal safe. I was very honored when he showed it to me. He said he had never shown it to anyone before. I believe it was from the woman he gave his heart to. From the quality of the jewelry, it must have been a worker caste who gave it to him. His clan, the Starriders, wouldn't like him mating with a Worker Caste. I have heard that Shai Alyt Branmer's father Samel was almost sent outclan when he married a Religious Caste woman, Lunel. They are a very proud clan."Sorat sat back against the back of the couch. "Though I can't see him letting that stop him, if he truly loved her. He has great courage, and he likes to have his own way." "He certainly does like to have his own way. On that we can agree, Sorat. Perhaps the woman he became close too refused to let him sacrifice his status. I'm trying to remember if I ever saw him with anyone more often than anyone else, and the only one who comes to mind is the Shai Alyt. He was usually in his company. But no females, as far as I remember, but then, we Humans were housed in a different area than your people. So I wouldn't have seen it, probably." "I would like to know who the woman he chose was. I would never tell anyone, but I would like to see the woman who had, and still has, his heart, yet won't take him as a mate."She looked at Terra, blushing. "I know my curiosity is dishonorable, Terra, but Ö" Terra reached over and patted the other woman's hand. "I understand, Sorat. You and I are not unlike, I think, when we love. We want our loved ones to be happy, even if it means they must leave us to do so." The com vid chimed right then, making the two women jump. Terra went to it. "Activate." Neroon came on the line. "Is everything well, Terra?" She couldn't help but smile at his concern. "Everything is fine, Neroon. Sorat and I are having a nice chat. You need have no fears for my safety. Where are Lenann and Chakur?" "Lenann has agreed to give Chakur a private lesson on the denn-bok, and they have gone to prepare. I had a few moments, so I thought I would check on you." The caring in his velvet voice was pretty obvious. "I do not want anything happening to you, or to Sorat, either." He added the warrior's name belatedly. "Nothing will happen, Neroon. We'll be fine. Enjoy the denn-bok match, and tell Lenann good luck, and to not be too hard on Chakur." She got off the line and turned towards Sorat. Sorat had a shocked look on her face, and said, "It was you!" Oh, Oh. "Excuse me, Sorat? What was me?" "You addressed each other in familiar terms, and that tone in his voice. It was you who took his heart!" For a minute she thought the warrior would berzerk, her emotions were so strongly negative. Then Sorat settled down a bit, and continued, "I see you aren't insulting my intelligence by denying it. I have never heard him speak to anyone in that gentle tone of voice! It is you he loves!" Terra's voice suddenly took on deadly tones, reminiscent of Lenann when he challenged Chakur. "And what do you plan to do with that information, Sorat?" Hearing the change in voice tone, the angry warrior said, with her hand clenching her denn-bok, "Do you think I would tell anyone that the greatest warrior of our time has given his heart to a Human? I should claim Denn-sha on you, you insult me so. I would die for him! I will not be the cause of his disgrace by spreading tales." Terra relaxed, marginally. "And neither will I cause his disgrace, Alyt Sorat. I will allow nothing between us now other than a close friendship. I will not see him sent out-clan. It would break his spirit." After a few moments of silence, Sorat spoke, "The memento, was it yours?" "Yes. It was my mother's, and her mother's before her. I gave it to him the day he left, and told him I wanted him to have something to remind him of our friendship, something that would give him luck in his battles. Would you like to see the gift he gave me in return?" "You have it? Here?" "I take it with me whereever I go. Even when I was married, I wouldn't be parted from it." She got up, went into the bedroom and rummaged in her suitcase. Then she took out the box that Neroon had given her, and took it out to Sorat. The warrior picked it up, opened it, and a look of reverence came to her face. "Sterenn's denn-bok. He showed me this once, before the war. He showed you a great honor in giving you this. This denn-bok was made for the greatest pike master that ever lived, by one of the greatest denn-bok makers of the Worker Caste." "He told me that he wanted me to keep it in order to remember the warrior who's heart I won in honorable battle." "That sounds like something he would say." "I'm sorry, Sorat. I never planned for Neroon to fall in love with me, and I did try to get him to let me go when he left the peace talks. I had planned to never see him again, so as to cause him no more hurt. But it was already too late by then. And fate forced us together again last year on the death of the Shai Alyt, when he badly needed a friend." "I can see from the way he speaks to you that you are still his choice. And it is a very bitter brew for me to swallow." Terra could sense the anger and the distance that the Alyt was putting up between them, and felt regret. But she certainly understood. She said, "I will leave you in here to guard, then, and I will go into my room. I have some information that was sent from Korun today that I need to look over." Terra read over for the second time the information that the physicians had sent from Korun. The situation was getting worse on the planet. The daily death rate was increasing at a double rate a day. They were losing hundreds of people a day now. Thank Valen there was only two days to go before they got there. Terra had gone into a light meditative trance when she heard the two men return. She heard Neroon's voice, and Sorat's, then she got up to go into the living area. She almost bumped into Neroon coming into the bedroom to see her. "Oh, sorry. You guys are back early." "I was concerned about your safety. Sorat is a good warrior, but not as good as Lenann and I for protecting you." Then he noticed that she was upset. "Terra, what is it?" "Can we go any faster, Neroon? I need to get off this ship and on Korun. Every minute of delay, more people are dying there." "We are going at maximum speed now, Terra. You know that. Is that all that is bothering you?" "Sorat knows about us, Neroon." "What? How? Did you tell her?" "No. You did. She heard the way you talked to me on the vid, and put two and two together." She smiled and touched his face. "You never could hide your feelings very well. She won't say anything to anyone, because she loves you and would never want to see you hurt. But it isn't easy on her. I like her." "Yes. She is a very good person, and a very good friend. It is all right, Terra, our secret is in good hands." Part 6: Assassin in the dark