PART 8 - The Delicate Balance of In-Between
by Jimmy, June 2, 2001

"There's dedication for you." Garibaldi muttered when he spotted Beano in her wheelchair with her injured leg sticking straight out and resting on a stool. However, it received scant attention from its owner because she was furiously working on the samples taken from the crime scene.

"How long has she been like that?"

"She managed to crawl out of bed about three hours ago." Franklin replied, irritated and worried. "She had no idea she was attached to an IV unit until she ripped it off by accident. It's going to take her couple of days before she can function without pain meds."

"And I thought the Hakadas were supposed to be a bright bunch."

"You know who she is?"

"I'm the Chief of Security, I'm supposed to know these things." Garibaldi replied as if he was talking to an uneducated child. "Besides, it's not like it's a big secret or anything. Her face was all over the news for months after the War."

Suddenly Beano shouted in triumph and threw her hands into the air, "I am a god!"

"That's debatable," Franklin dryly countered. "Either that or godhood isn't what it used to be."

"Tell me you found something." Garibaldi said, "And if you didn't, lie to me and tell me you did so I can feel better."

"I found lots of things. First of all, I had to separate the genetic markers belonging to Callimer, a Minbari, from the rest of the evidence. I was able to determine early on that only two other traceable genetic prints were present in the crime scene. But even with three genetic markers you can just imagine the permutation that could explode if one didn't have a basal point to start with. I had Callimer as an axis, but I needed another. So, I ran a random match using Franklin's genetic database."

"Why random?" Garibaldi asked, pleased with himself that he actually understood what Beano just said.

"Because I didn't want to be accused of being prejudiced."

"And what was the other axis?" Franklin asked.

"Delenn, before she went hocus pocus on you guys."

"Are you telling me Delenn was in that room?" Garibaldi voice thinned to a horrified whisper.

"No, she's saying a Minbari was in the room." Franklin corrected.

"And the black scrapings I took off from the wall match a certain polymer the Minbari use in making their footwear. I will admit it's common enough material so we won't go too far with that." Beano said, grinning from ear to ear. "Can you stand more good news, Garibaldi?"

Michael's smile matched Beano's. "Bring it on, sister."

"I wondered; if the person standing right against the wall was a Minbari, then what are the odds his or her headbone would scrape against the wall and leave genetic traces?"

"Beano, you are a god." Franklin whispered. "Were there?"

"Yes, perfect genetic print of Minbari origin. All I need is something to compare it against. And to top it all off, I have a pretty good estimate of the person's height and weight too."

"You got all this when you made that run to the room?"

Beano nodded, "Thanks for the warning by the way. If Lennier or that Neroon character crept up on me, they would have figured it out. I managed to pack it all away just seconds before they came in."

"I thought you guys might like to see this." Garibaldi took out a data crystal and played the vid. Franklin gave a long whistle and a knowing glance at Beano. Michael shook his head slowly, "They are so screwed, and the funny thing is they don't know it yet."

Beano examined Garibaldi's face. "You don't like them, do you?"

"Nothing against Delenn, and I really like Lennier, but yeah, the Minbari always put me on the edge. I have a thing against races who declare genocidal warfare because they think they're in the right. Call me a romantic, but that's too close to playing G-d for my taste."

"But Beano, you still need genetic material from Neroon and the others to make the final match." Franklin said, "How are you going to do that without getting your head ripped off? Something tells me none of them will be lining up around the block to donate samples anytime soon."

Beano took a deep breath, "I have an idea."

* * * * * * * *

Neroon turned off the com. Adolyn, in spite of his youthful exuberance, was actually a very intelligent warrior when he managed to settle down and concentrate on the task given.

So, the good doctor is seeking an audience with Delenn and Rathenn. She must have discovered something important, and they will be only too anxious to hear what she has to say.

Neroon managed to elude his human shadows quite easily as he tracked down Quietbrook. While following her, he eavesdropped on the various conversations she held through her link.

"I'll be in Bay 11 in fifteen minutes, Commander." Quietbrook said. "Tell the Ambassador I am grateful she is willing to see me on such short notice."

After Quietbrook finished talking, she quickly hobbled to her quarters to prepare for the impromptu meeting. Neroon grudgingly admired her ability move so fast with a cane and a leg that had to be causing some discomfort with every step. Quietbrook exited her room with a knapsack slung over her shoulders and her attention on the cane which was now bent slightly out of shape. Neroon smiled; she probably smacked it against something out of sheer frustration.

It wasn't until she was near the boarding area before he decided to reveal himself.

"Diligent indeed." He said, gratified to see her jump visibly.

She turned around laboriously, trying not to look too undignified. "Is that like a Warrior Caste thing, because if it isn't, could you not sneak up on me? Please?"

"I'll give your request its due consideration before dismissing it. Where are you going? Piloting under medication and a serious injury cannot be considered healthy or wise, even for your kind."

"I have a pilot, and he's waiting for me right through that door."

"You haven't answered my question."

"I have an appointment to see Delenn."

"I was about to visit Rathenn myself, and since my flyer can fit two, you can join me."

"Like hell." Beano said flatly.


"I'd be stupid if I wasn't, and there is no law in the universe that says I have to fly with you."

"True." Neroon suddenly grabbed the backpack and ripped it off from her shoulder. His attack caused Beano to lose her balance. She barely managed to prevent herself from falling flat on her face.

"But then the universe is unfair." Neroon said laughing and walked briskly towards the bay where his flyer was docked. He rattled her knapsack violently just to make sure there was no confusion. "I suggest you move faster, human, if you want to retrieve this precious bag of yours."

He didn't look back but the frantic clicks of the cane hitting the floor told him Quietbrook was only few steps behind. Adolyn had already warmed his flyer and then hid himself so Quietbrook wouldn't see him. Neroon buckled into the pilot seat and turned to see Quietbrook trying to settle down without further aggravating her injury. He reached out and adjusted her seat so she had enough space to straighten the damaged leg.

"Thank you," Quietbrook grumbled.

"Still afraid?"

"Unless my IQ dropped by a few hundred points in the last five minutes, yes, I'm still afraid."

"Good, I would hate to think I was losing my touch."

"Slap you mean. I can't imagine you touching anything without leaving behind bruises."

Neroon's gaze focused on her immediately to see if she was serious. And for a moment he saw himself through her eyes.

She believes I am a monster. A monster dressed in black, capable of doing the darkest of acts if it suited my needs.

He turned his concentration on the flyer's controls as the ship glided out of Babylon 5.

As long as she doesn't believe I am responsible for Callimer's murder, it does not matter.

Neroon managed to ignore his surroundings for a while, but the feeling of being scrutinized finally made him turn to the passenger. To his surprise, her attention was focused on the stars spread out in front of them and not the pilot.

"Lovely, aren't they?" she asked. "I can never get used to them."

"Then living in a space station must be a very unnerving experience."

She shook her head, "Not really. I lived on space cruisers and exploration vessels until I was fourteen. Saw amazing things, better than any fairytale one could read from a book."

"Your parents were members of Earthforce?" Neroon asked, wondering how much information she would willingly reveal about her past.

"Yes, my father wasn't at first. Like I said before, he was a priest. When my mother became first officer, she was given an assignment that put her in space for sixteen months. Made my dad incredibly unhappy so he enrolled in medical school. Earthforce doesn't require priests on-board their ships, but doctors are always on short supply. He finished his internship on Janus, the first ship my mother captained. Both my brothers were born on Janus, I was born on Mars."

Neroon was intrigued. "How did your parents manage raising their children while exploring space?"

"With extreme difficulty," Beano admitted. "But the crew loved having us around so it wasn't totally impossible."

"Your tone tells me your parents are no more."

"Good guess," Beano said. "I see you have been studying mankind and our idiosyncrasies. How's your head?"

"I'll survive."

Beano craned her neck forward, "Is that where we're going?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

"It's beautiful," Beano whispered breathlessly. "I have never been inside one of your war cruisers."

"Then you will be disappointed. This one belongs to the Religious Caste. If you want to see a real war cruiser, you should see one of ours."

"Was that an invitation?" Beano asked blithely.

"Remember you're in fear of me. To change that relationship would put both of us in an awkward position."

"Not to mention confusing the issue."

"Yes, and by the way, what is the issue?" Neroon asked.

Beano turned to him, her gaze suddenly galvanizing the air between them. "Fear, Satai Neroon, fear is the issue."

Neroon was shocked into silence allowing Beano to continue. "I don't know exactly what is going on here, but I will figure it out sooner than later. This is your last chance, Satai. What is happening?"

"How did you know I am Satai?" Neroon asked.

"The way the other Minbari behaved around you. Body language, the tone of voice, and the way you act around others, including Ambassador Delenn. You had to be a member of The Grey Council. Are you going to answer my question?"

"I do not have to explain my reasons to you," Neroon snapped.

"I'm not the only one asking the question, Satai." Beano cautioned. "Just remember down the road, I gave you a chance and it was you who turned away first."

Quietbrook became withdrawn after making her feelings known, and Neroon knew better than to rouse her from her self-imposed silence.

* * * * * * * *

Lenann sighed impatiently as he waited for Satai Neroon's arrival. Lennier, on the other hand, seemed fascinated by his surroundings.

"This is a truly lovely ship." Lennier said.

"It is." Lenann answered proudly. "Satai Rathenn takes very good care of it and its crew."

"You are very fortunate then to have such a teacher as Satai Rathenn."

The two aides heard Neroon's flyer dock and became silent, each bracing himself for the inevitable confrontation with one of the most ferocious members of the Warrior Caste.

So, it took them by surprise to see Beano hobble through the door with him, crooked cane in hand. She saw Lennier first and opened her mouth to greet him. Her words died in her throat when she caught sight of Lenann.

Lennier felt it first, the scorching wave originating from Lenann who was standing a step behind him. It blasted through his consciousness, physically and mentally crippling Delenn's aide for a moment with intense emotions. Then it hit Beano and ripped through her. Neroon, who was behind Quietbrook, felt it also and the intensity made him almost buckle to his knees.

"In Valen's name," Lennier whispered weakly, trying to regain his vision. "What ... was that?"

Lenann and Quietbrook did not answer, as they were fixated on each other.

"He's a telepath?" Neroon snarled, angry and confused by his sudden disorientation.

"Lenann?" Lennier asked softly, but the aide refused to answer. Suddenly, he understood what he was witnessing. "Recognition!"

Neroon's eyes widened, "That is impossible!"

Yet, even as he denounced Lennier's explanation, Neroon knew it to be true. He stormed up to Rathenn's aide and viciously slammed his fist across Lenann's cheek.

"How dare you!" Neroon raged. "She is human!"

Lenann's head snapped back and blood flew from his mouth, yet his eyes would not let go of Quietbrook. Lennier rushed to the Minbari's side.

"Lenann, release her! She might not survive this!"

The frantic plea convinced Lenann to shift his gaze elsewhere, and the hold he had over her shattered. Quietbrook took a huge gulp of air and began coughing violently. She had to lean against the wall as the world spun around her, making her dizzy. It was only then she realized her nose was bleeding. Beano wondered if she would pass out before or after she hit the floor. Neroon saw her collapse and grabbed her before she fell down.

"Get that creature out of my sight!" Neroon shouted, angrier than before. "I will deal with him later!"

Quietbrook saw the stranger struggling to stay and raised her hand towards him. Lenann tried to reach for it but Lennier pinned his arms down and physically dragged him away from her.

"Later, Lenann." Lennier whispered to the Minbari, "Later, I promise."

Lenann nodded wearily and stopped fighting. However, before he left the room, he turned to gaze at her once more and found her staring after him. She gave him a brave smile before looking away.

Neroon shook his head, trying to clear it of the mental attack it received moments earlier. But most of his attention and his fear were focused on the human cradled in his arms. She had to have suffered the most since the blast was directed at her. Neroon wondered if humans could survive Recognition, and the consequences if she could not.

"You Minbari sure do know how to grab people's attention."

The weak but humorous comment made him laugh in spite of the throbbing in his skull.

"What was that?" She asked, wiping away the blood from her face.

"He's an untrained telepath. I believe he performed an unauthorized scan on us." Neroon answered. "He will be made to pay for this violation."

She nodded once, "But my head feels fine." Beano paused for a moment. "And my leg, I don't feel any pain in my leg."

"What?" Neroon asked.

"The pain in my leg is gone." She said in confusion.

"You're in shock," Neroon dismissed her statement. "It'll come back as soon as your senses return to their full capacity."

Lennier returned with three other Minbari at his heels.

"Dr. Quietbrook, are you well?"

She nodded, "I'm fine, just had the breath knocked out of me. Lennier, what happened?"

Neroon didn't dare give the aide a chance to speak, "We can discuss that later. Right now, we need to have you looked at. No need to take useless risks with your health, especially since you're in our jurisdiction now."

"Lennier, who was he?" Quietbrook persisted, sensing Neroon's fear and Lennier's distress.

"Lenann, captain of this ship." He blurted out before Neroon had the chance to stop him.

"Captain?" Neroon sneered, "I doubt he will hold that position for long."

"Tell Captain Lenann that was one hell of a hello. Makes me wonder what his good-byes are like."

"You're not angry then?" Lennier asked, surprised and relieved.

"Not in the least, but next time, if he could give me a five-second warning, I'd be grateful."

"There won't be a next time." Neroon interrupted. "Lennier, I gave an order. Are you having difficulties with your hearing? Or do you wish to see her perish in front of you?"

Neroon's accusation energized the Minbari into ignoring Quietbrook's protests and rushing her to the medical area. It took the physician almost an hour before clearing her health, and all the while Beano never stopped objecting to the medical scan. Neroon was personally grateful for the delay. He needed the time to gather his thoughts into their proper order after the tremendous shock he received.

It cannot be. It has been centuries since such phenomenon occurred amongst our people.

Yet, he could not make himself forget Lennier's stunned voice when he shouted in awe, Recognition!

* * * * * * * *

"Lenann, what have you done?" Rathenn's voice boomed. Neither Delenn nor Lenann heard the gentle Minbari yell until now. "I have Satai Neroon demanding I shuttle you back to Minbar because of this ... this ... incident!"

"I do not know what happened." Lenann admitted. "I saw the human the same time she saw me. And then ... something exploded out of my person. I cannot explain what it was, Satai. But I swear, I meant no harm."

Lennier bowed and interrupted the conversation. "Satai Rathenn, he speaks the truth. The shock on Lenann's face was equal to that of Dr. Quietbrook's. And strangely, she is not in any pain. If Lenann performed some type of uncontrolled telepathic scan, anything of that magnitude would have crippled, maybe even killed Dr. Quietbrook. But, as you can see, she is well."

Lennier made a point to glance at the holo-screen which revealed Beano in the medical area, complaining bitterly about wasting precious time.

"Then you think it was Recognition?" Delenn asked.

"Yes, from everything I've read, it seems to indicate Dr. Quietbrook and Lenann ... merged for a moment. It was a powerful experience to witness. I cannot even begin to imagine what it was like for either of them."

"Humans born with Minbari souls." Delenn said to her friend, "We all knew it was happening. Why do you doubt it, Rathenn?"

"I can accept it, Delenn, but you know what Neroon will do. He will kill himself and Dr. Quietbrook before admitting that a human is equal to a Minbari, especially equal enough to share Recognition."

"But it hasn't happened in so long!" Delenn said. "If what Lennier says is true then their fates are sealed whether Neroon approves of it or not. The universe won't have it otherwise."

"The universe never had to deal with Neroon enraged like this." Rathenn said, sighing. "But if it is Recognition, there is also nothing we can do to interfere."

Delenn turned to Lenann, "Are you ready for this?"

"I do not know, but I am willing to risk my life to find out."

"At least you're honest with yourself and with us." Rathenn said, his mood quickly improving.

"Ambassador Delenn, what is her name?" Lenann asked.

"Sabine Quietbrook. Quietbrook means a small river that runs silent," Delenn stared at the screen, "Though she's anything but silent right now. Lennier, bring the doctor to us if she's feeling well enough. I think she'll drive herself and Doyshi mad if she's left there for much longer."

Lennier bowed and left the room to fetch the human doctor.

Rathenn turned to his aide, "Lenann, go to your chamber and meditate upon this. We must be sure."

Delenn tactfully added, "Satai Neroon will be by her side now. You will not get a moment of privacy with Dr. Quietbrook as long as he is with her. If he becomes violent like before, her life might be in danger along with yours, and she has already taken too many risks to help us find Callimer's murderer."

Lenann bowed deeply and walked out of the room on unsteady legs. Rathenn stared after him with worry, fear, and exhilaration in his eyes.

"In Valen's name," He said, "Delenn, think of the consequences between our people and the humans if those two did merge."

"It'll rip apart the fabric of our society," Delenn said sadly. "They are still too afraid of the unknown, still too proud to admit they might share a heritage with what they consider to be an inferior race. Our ancestors did a terrible thing when they isolated Minbar and all our people from other worlds. We may have achieved great advancements in techology, Rathenn, but I wonder at what price."

Rathenn placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But sooner of later our spiritual isolation would have been breached. Far better that it be a human who did it rather than a Centauri or some other race who could not stand our presence. If one thing I know about humans, they are tenacious. Quietbrook saw Lenann, and he branded her very soul with his own. Now, she will not rest until she finds him. The bond that forms in Recognition cannot be severed, even by Neroon."

Delenn smiled bravely, "You always were an optimist."

"Need I remind you of your decision to um ..." He brushed her hair with the back of his hand. "Change your very molecular structure so the humans would no longer perceive us as a threat?"

"It was a calculated risk."

"Is that what you call it?" Rathenn teased.

Before Delenn could answer the chime rang, indicating there was someone waiting for entrance. Rathenn gave permission and found Jerina standing in the doorway.

"Satai." She said with a definite warrior salute. "Ambassador." The young Minbari added hastily when she realized Rathenn was not alone.

"You must be Jerina," Delenn said warmly. "Join us."

"Thank you, Ambassador." Jerina tried to hide her curiosity about Delenn's looks but failed. Delenn managed to ignore the surreptitious glances and began a normal conversation with Rathenn, all the while wondering what tidings Quietbrook would bring upon their world.

* * * * * * * *

Neroon finally relinquished Beano's knapsack to its proper owner. She snapped it from his offering hand and almost snarled in annoyance as she checked to make sure nothing was damaged.

"What do you have in there?" Neroon asked. "It rattles as if there's a living creature trapped inside."

"Stuff," Beano replied curtly.

Neroon saw the Minbari staff within hearing distance stare at her in plain shock. No sane Minbari would dare to speak to a Satai with such disrespect. He wondered if he should continue baiting her if only to see her really lose her temper. The entrance of Delenn's aide told him he would not have the chance.

"Doctor, if you're feeling well enough, the Ambassador would like to see you now." Lennier said.

"I'll join you." Neroon said.

"I thought you had to meet up with Rathenn." Beano argued, still cross at being made to wait.

"Where there is one, there is bound to be another." Neroon answered, his gaze leveled at Lennier who looked away. "The Religious Caste travel in herds. It's an interesting phenomenon, doctor. You should study it in your spare time."

Beano saw the look of intense displeasure on Lennier face and decided to control her own temper. She didn't think Lennier could survive ten seconds in a physical confrontation with the warrior.

"I'll be more than happy to meet with Ambassador Delenn." She said, making a point of ignoring Neroon altogether from that moment.

It wasn't until they were leaving the medical hall that Neroon realized Quietbrook was no longer limping.

* * * * * * * *

"Garibaldi!" Zack said when he saw his boss. He whipped out from his vest pocket an object wrapped in protective plastic. "I got what you're looking for!"

Michael grabbed it from Zack's hand and examined it. "You are going to have your day off, soon, I promise. Good work, Zack!"

"It was right where you said it'd be. So, that's Callimer's denn'bok?"

"Yeah, Franklin didn't find it on the guy, and I know someone like Callimer would never travel without one, so I figured whoever killed him must have taken it. Donwbelow was the only logical place to dump something this hot."

"What are you going to do now?"

"Stand back," Garibaldi cautioned. He gave his wrist two quick snaps and the weapon became a full-length Minbari fighting pike. "Gorgeous, isn't it?"

"Looks like it's been cleaned pretty good."

"Doesn't matter, people like Beano will find something." Garibaldi shook his wrist again and the weapon contracted to a palm-size tube. "Don't tell anyone about this."

"Hey, who am I going to tell? Those Minbari goons?"

Garibaldi smiled a little, but it was not a show of pleasure. "Neroon's going down, and this time nobody's going to be able to save him."

"You really have an axe to grind with that one, don't you?" Zack asked.

"Try a shed full of axes, Zack. You saw the way he treated Ambassador Delenn. She might be a Minbari but her heart's in the right place. That Neroon character, he just wants another Earth-Minbari war. You should've seen him last time when Sinclair was here. Jeff nearly threw himself over the desk so he could wrap his hands around Neroon's throat. "

"And the Commander isn't the type to lose his temper," Zack remembered.

"No, he's not." Garibaldi agreed. "Neroon's a die-hard militant fanatic. His kind lives for war. If we weren't around, the Warrior Caste would find some other helpless fool to pick on. We can't have that, not if want to avoid another bloody conflict."

"Minbari don't kill Minbari." Zack said, "What will they do to him?"

"Hopefully shove him and his accomplices out of an airlock, but not before they make an example out of him. In the end, he'll be destroyed no matter what. Might make the Warrior Caste think twice before doing something else that's massively stupid."

"Amen to that."

-- continued in part nine --