
upcoming appearances | other news | convention reports

upcoming appearances

John is currently appearing as Scar in the L.A. production of the Lion King, which opened on October 19th 2000. More information on the Lion King in L.A. page.

other news

John is in the upcoming film "Shooting LA," where he plays a priest.

convention reports

This section contains reports and links for conventions that John has attended. If you would like to contribute a report and/or pictures, please let us know at

Agamemcon 3 June 11-13 1999 - initial report by Kailin
Agamemcon 3 pictures (external link) - some good pics of John
GrapeVine Agamemcon III - great pics including John - this is from the Bruce Boxleitner Grapevine Fan Network folks
B5 memories panel - report from the Mira Furlan Information Station

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