regional theatre

We have compiled a listing of John Vickery's regional (US) theatre appearances, you can find more details on some productions below, including pictures, reviews and other information.

John's latest rôle is Scar in The Lion King in Los Angeles, which opened in October 2000.

the lion king

- 2000, Pantages Theatre, Los Angeles
as Scar
what didn't happen

- 1999, Taper New Works Festival '99,
The Actors' Gang in Hollywood

- 1997, Mark Taper Forum, LA
as Bernard Nightengale
the cherry orchard

- 1995, South Coast Repertory, Costa Mesa
as Lophakhin
richard ii

- 1992, Mark Taper Forum, LA
as Mowbray & Bishop of Carlisle
the seagull

- 1985, La Jolla Playhouse, San Diego
as Trigorin
romeo and juliet

- 1983, La Jolla Playhouse, San Diego
as Romeo
waiting for godot

- 2000, Matrix Theatre, Los Angeles
as Estragon
i hate hamlet

- 1995-6, Royal George Theatre, Chicago
as Barrymore
le misanthrope

- 1995, South Coast Repertory, Costa Mesa
as Alceste

- 1989, La Jolla Playhouse, San Diego
as Macbeth
a man's a man

- 1985, La Jolla Playhouse, San Diego
as Uriah Shelley
a mad world, my masters

- 1983, La Jolla Playhouse, San Diego
as Mr. Fox

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